floor play

Floor Play Ideas for Every Stage of Development

Floor Play Ideas for Every Stage of Development

Parents often hear that tummy time is important for babies but research supports that floor play is actually very important for every stage of baby’s motor development. That’s why we’re passionate about our “The Floor Builds the Core concept which states that a baby gets stronger and masters motor skills by learning how to move in and out of positions while they’re on the floor.

More info here on the movement science behind our “The Floor Builds the Core™” framework.

Baby Containers - How and Why to Avoid Them

Baby Containers - How and Why to Avoid Them

Baby gear/contraptions/containers all refer to a piece of equipment that puts a baby into a position and keeps them there. Gear like a swing, bouncer, exersaucer, jumper, or Bumbo. Most of this gear puts baby into a position they are not yet ready to maintain on their own and can not get into/out of on their own - meaning it’s not developmentally appropriate for them. Containers prevent a baby from moving in and out of positions naturally! Developmentally speaking, the devices pictured above, generally put babies into positions their little bodies are not yet ready for and they prevent baby from freely moving.