baby communication

New Clinic Opening!

New Clinic Opening!

New physical clinic space is opening in Snohomish, WA in July 2024. Current clients will continue to be seen in their homes and may transition to the clinic space in early summer.
Bree is continuing to offer in-home, virtual, and online courses as the clinic gets up and running.
Book today!

Reading with a Baby - Play Ideas for the First Year

Reading with a Baby - Play Ideas for the First Year

Children who are read to regularly at home throughout early childhood will be exposed to exponentially more words than their peers who are not regularly read to. By the time they reach kindergarten, children will have heard 290,000 more words if read 1 book each day and 1.4 million more words if read 5 books each day (Logan, et al., 2019). Here you’ll find ideas on HOW TO read with a baby from birth through the first year.

Signing with Babies

Signing with Babies

Using sign language or gestures with a baby can often help him communicate earlier than he can by producing verbal language because imitating gestures is easier than imitating words.